Case study 2

This municipality (population over 63,000), introduced a new collection scheme in February 2017.


Instead of a kerbside scheme, the Council decided to introduce a multi-stream bags collection: general waste; organic waste; plastics; paper and cardboard; metals and glass.

The municipality opted to communicate the new scheme clearly, regularly and frequently. As part of this intensive advertising campaign, the Municipality invited residents to download the app and rely on this tool to learning about the new scheme in an easy and interactive way.


By the end of March 2017, the metrcis were:

  • 24% of the 63,340 residents downloaded the app
  • 67% of the 23,200 families downloaded the app
  • 251,994 barcode queries
  • 17,093 collection points queries
  • 8,010 new products added to the database

In less than three months, recycling rate rose from 2% to 54% (end of April 2017).

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